
Everyday Life in Fort Collins

With over 300 days of sunshine, hundreds of miles of hiking and biking trails, and a Downtown Walt Disney had to copy, there is a reason so so many call Fort Collins home. 

Thinking of music? As a local, you can enjoy live music almost any night of the week around Fort Collins.
How about food? As a community, Fort Collins can take your taste buds around the world.
Are you a nature person? You're going to be.

As a community we come together to encourage a "Welcome All" mentality, this is why Fort Collins is consistently rated one of the best places to live. 

For a more extensive list of awards the city of Fort Collins has earned over the years please click HERE.

Whether you are here for a weekend, as a University student or a lifelong resident, you will find there is plenty to explore in and around Fort Collins and the region.  The listings below are a good place to start for those places Fort Collins offers visitors and residents who may need every day services like grocery, banking, barbers or a new place to dine.

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