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Sound Bath & Restorative Yoga

    • Enjoy the perfect mid-week nurturing pick me up.


      Gentle restorative poses return our bodies to a restful state, improve digestion and reduce stress. 


      Sound therapy takes it a step further, clearing energetic channels, calming inflammation, and relaxing muscles and tissues while resetting the nervous system.  


      Give yourself a much needed break and reset that will leave you feeling rested and ready to conquer the rest of the week.


      About Stephanie:

      Stephanie is a mom of three living in Loveland, Colorado. The sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda have helped her create calm and peace in mind, body and spirit, and her goal is to help others feel the same.   "Food … it’s my love language. I read cookbooks like novels  and regard recipes as choreography in the dance of life."  She grew up in Boulder, Colorado and dove deeply into Ayurveda and Yoga as therapy to manage hormone changes and chronic inflammation caused by spinal challenges from childhood injuries.  She is a certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher, teaching primarily at Loveland Community Yoga.  You can learn more about her, and download recipes and monthly wellness guidance maps at


      Price: $20


      Please pre-register online: